Pre-Recorded Safety Stand-Down Event May 2, 2023
Listen as our Senior Trainer Mark Cangemi, CSP presents on the basics of fall prevention & protection and offers knowledge on how to identify and control hazards associated when working at height.
Once you order this course, you will receive two emails. The first email will be your order confirmation, and your second email will be your profile set-up with a direct link to the course in our Learning Management System, Litmos.
You will be able to watch the recording from your auto-generated profile in Litmos. If you are new to Litmos, you will only need to set up your password. If you forgot your password, click “forgot password” & follow the steps to have it reset. If you need additional help, email us
If you have taken training with us in the past and already have a profile created, you can simply log in to Litmos and the course will be visible under "My Training" section.