8-HR EM385-1 Fall Protection Competent Person REFRESHER for USACE
Prerequisite Requirement: 24-HR EM385-1 Fall Protection Competent Person
Do NOT order this class if you have not successfully taken the 24-HR EM385-1 Fall Protection Competent Person with Honeywell within the past two years (or hold a Honeywell certificate that has recently expired in the last 6 months). Please call 855-565-6722 for questions. |
The US Army Corps of Engineers requires that after 2-yrs of taking the 24-hr. EM385-1 Fall Protection Competent Person, you are required to take EM385-1 Competent Person Refresher
Training. Honeywell Training offers an 8-HR EM385-1 Refresher Training program which includes refresher material on fall prevention and protection, fall protection job application, building a fall protection system, and pre-use & equipment inspection. Furthermore; the program includes recognizing, evaluating, and controlling the risks and hazards associated with working at heights.