Reducing Fatalities with Safety Training

Posted by Cristy Kluck on

Do the below headlines strike a chord with you?

“Seattle Construction Worker Dies ­in Equipment Fall.” “Welder Falls 95-feet and Dies While Working on a U.S. Cellular Retrofit Project in Kansas” “A Construction Foreman Died from Asphyxiation After Entering A Manhole with an Uncontrolled Hazardous Atmosphere.”  “NY Building Contractor Facing $375K in Penalties for Fall Fatality.”

They do with us because they were all preventa­ble. Fatalities or injuries on the job can be prevented if the right training is implemented. Regulatory agencies make it quite clear that it is the employer’s responsibility to develop a fall protection program that complies with mandated regulations. The most effective programs are those where employers work closely with their workers to identify fall hazards and to jointly develop a comprehensive fall protection program that either eliminates fall hazards or provides appropriate protection against them.

Without Safety Training, the Risk of Fatality Increases

In the event of an emergency situation, our natural instincts kick in. These instincts can contribute to how we respond, and it’s important to know how to differentiate between a high emotion reaction vs. a controlled response.

Safety Training helps workers to understand their work environment(s), and the dangerous hazards associated with it. Proper training prepares the worker for all types of situations, including the worst-case scenarios. Conditioning ourselves to respond and not react in an emergency situation can be the difference of saving a life or not. Honeywell Training classes bring to light the risks that exist, how to recognize it, and not to enter areas until the risk can be identified, evaluated, and addressed. When you are properly trained and prepared for emergency jobsite situations, you can expect that the response will be more in line with a planned safety protocol rather than a “fight or flight” reaction.

Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will

People who work in this industry take many risks, and sometimes forget how important their fall protection is to their safety.  It’s important to stay informed and often refreshed on OSHA, and ANSI regulations, not only to stay compliant, but to remember the seriousness of the risks.  It is vital that use & inspection, and proper equipment selection is established before  entering a jobsite.

Whether you work in utilities, agriculture, mining, construction or oil and gas – it’s critical that you are wearing the proper equipment meant for that job application, using it as the manufacturer recommends, and following the safety regulations as put in place by OSHA and ANSI.

Is Safety Training Worth the Investment?

A few facts to consider when your company is deciding on whether training your employees is worth it.

  • OSHA estimates that construction companies save $4 to $6 for every $1 invested in safety programs. [OSHA]
  • Over 60% of construction accidents occur within an employee’s first year of work,highlighting the need for proactive, high-quality training. [BLS]
  • Fatal construction injuries are estimated to cost the United States $5 billion each yearin health care, lost income, reduced quality of life for family members and lost production. [Midwest EPI]

Proper safety training reduces accidents & injuries, increases employee safety & awareness, and makes your business compliant with safety laws while protecting the bottom line.

To view a full schedule of qualified safety training courses ranging from online to in-person, visit our website.  

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