Understanding Electrical Safety Assessments & Safety Training

Posted by Lisa Alsdorf on

To understand the importance of electrical safety compliance, training, and proper PPE, you must identify the risks in workplace hazards, follow safety protocols - including appropriate PPE selection, and develop an arc-flash assessment. Let's talk through each of these individually:


Working around energized equipment can be dangerous and unpredictable. The most common causes of electrical injuries are:

  • Contact with power lines
  • Ungrounded equipment
  • Lack of ground fault protection
  • Misuse of equipment
  • Misuse of extension and flexible cords

Our qualified team of industry experts work with you to create and maintain the safest electrical safety program possible. 


OSHA's electrical standards are designed to protect employees exposed to dangers such as electric shock, electrocution, fires, and explosions.

At Honeywell, our programs follow federal legislation and regulatory standards including OSHA and NFPA 70E & ASTM F18.

Electrical Safety PPE:

Honeywell has been keeping workers safe on the job for over a century. Our premium quality electrical safety tools and clothing save lives by enabling workers to operate safely in hazardous conditions. For more understanding of electrical safety PPE, go here.


Arc flash assessments are necessary to identify and assess the potential risk of arc flash hazards in an electrical system. The goal is to protect workers from the dangers associated with these hazards, which can lead to injury or death.

Arc flash assessments will help you identify:

  • The degree to which workers may be exposed to arc flash hazards
  • The possibility of an arc flash happening
  • The severity of injuries that could result from an arc flash
  • The amount of energy that could be released by equipment that requires maintenance
  • Safe approach distances for maintenance work
  • The type of personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to protect workers from the heat, light, and blast associated with an arc flash accident

Honeywell Salisbury Assessment Solutions is known for its extensive knowledge of electrical safety best practices and regulations, and our team provides the expertise to work closely with facilities to analyze their electrical safety programs and offer individualized consultation, and reports. 

What kind of Arc-Flash or Electrical Safety Training should be considered?

Employees who are well-trained on how to properly and safely execute electrical work have higher chances of preventing electrical accidents.

Honeywell offers a full range of training and continuous learning opportunities
including classroom, and webinar. Our programs follow federal OSHA regulations,
NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584 calculation methods. Our courses are taught by
experienced Professional Engineers (PE).

  • 4-Hr. Arc-Flash & Shock Hazard for Maintenance Personnel
  • 8-Hr. Arc-Flash & Competent Person
  • Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Honeywell's electrical safety assessment solutions or training services, our lines of communication are always open. You can reach us by email or by calling 877-406-4501

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